
robotlab GbR
c/o ZKM
Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 8100 1506

Represented by:
Matthias Gommel
Martina Richter
Jan Zappe

VAT-ID according to §27a German Value Added Tax Act:

Disclaimer – legal notes

§ 1 Warning Notice about the Content

All content of this website that is at no charge and free available has been provided with maximum carfulness. Despite this robotlab takes no responsibility for the correctness and actuality of this information. By accessing this information no contractual relationship is estabished between the user and robotlab who has no intention to enter a legally binding relationship.

§ 2 External Links

This website contains links to third party websites ("external links"). These websites underly the liability of the respective operators. robotlab has checked the content behind this links for eventual statutory violations on the occasion of the first linking. At this time there were no statutory violations apparent. robotlab has no influence on the current or prospective design or content of this linked websites. Linking external websites does not mean that robotlab appropriates the contents of the linked sites. An ongoing control of the content of the linked websites does not take place and is unreasonable. If statutory violations become apparent then robotlab will delete this links immediately.

§ 3 Copyright

All information published on this website underly the German Copyright Law. Each usage which is not permitted within this law has to be agreed and confirmed in written form by robotlab or the respective copyright holder. This applies particularly for duplication, processing, translation, storage and playback either of single content or complete webpages in data bases, other websites or other electronic media and systems. Content and copyrights of third persons are indicated as such. Unauthorized duplication or transfer of any single content or complete webpages is forbidden and chargeable. Just duplication and downloads for personnel, private and non-commericial purposes are allowed. The display of this website within the frames of other websites is allowed with the written agreement by the copyright holder.

§ 4 Further Conditions

If particular conditions for the special use of this website differ from the mentioned paragraphs above then special conditions are explicitely mentioned at the respective place. In this individual cases special conditions applies for the usage.